My “spidey-sense” was tingling this AM when I came across an article about Artificial Intelligence and Deep Fakes. Our society is at a dangerous point regarding the information we receive and the information we trust without challenge. We are entering ( some say already have entered ) a time when you can’t trust anything that you see, read, or hear. As Christians, we have God to help us through this trial. BUT we must CALL ON God to help us. Remember that Free Will is pretty cool, but with it comes much responsibility. As our technology strengthens and evolves at breakneck speeds, we have and will have many difficult choices. In order to participate in society, you will have to play the game. You can’t just hide. You will not be spared the trial by making no choice. Always remember that choosing not to decide is still a choice. ALWAYS CHOOSE Jesus to lead you through difficult times, and ALWAYS PRAISE Jesus during the both the good and bad times. ALWAYS TRUST GOD to give you wisdom.
In order to be manipulated, you have to be fooled. You have to believe something that is not true and/or you have to question what you know to be true. Techniques of “Social Engineering” are all around you. They are the foundations of our Social Media. There are many people and corporations paying a lot of money to control how and what you think. Sometimes this manipulation may not have a noticeable impact on you, and other times it can be life changing. Be on the lookout, and place your trust in Jesus. As a child of God we have everything we need to navigate these crazy times. LISTEN for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, LET Jesus to lead you, and ASK God for wisdom.
Social Engineering is nothing more than “a con”. ANYTHING that makes you want to act before you think is a potential con. Anything that makes you challenge your faith is a potential con. Anything that tries to separate you from God IS a con.
Consider this dramatization of Genesis 3.
Lucifer: “Yo, Eve, have you tried this fruit? It is incredible!”
Eve: “No I haven’t, God told me not to eat that one.”
Lucifer: “Doesn’t God want you to have everything wonderful and incredible?
Eve: “Well, sure, I guess…”
Lucifer: Then why do you think he wouldn’t want you to eat this incredible fruit?”
Eve: “He said that it was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and that we were not to eat that fruit because if we did we would die.”
Lucifer: “Oh, so God couldn’t save you? Is he holding stuff back from you? Haven’t you earned this? Aren’t you entitled to this? Or maybe you’re not as good as you think. No worries, I get it.”
Eve: “That is not true. God loves us. God wants what is best for us. He told me so.”
Lucifer: “Well if loves you so much, then he surely can’t do without you. He won’t let you die, would he? Come on, think about it, if God loves you so much then he would want you to enjoy a little bite. Right?”
Eve: “OK, I guess…”
Lucifer: “Here, give it a try! It is incredible! This is going to change your life!”
And the rest is history. All Eve had to do was take a step back and think. Eve was presented with input that challenged what she knew: “God love us and wants what is best for us.” All she had to do was LISTEN for the whisper of the Holy Spirit, ASK GOD about the choice in front of her and LET Jesus lead her. Unfortunately, Eve did not stop and think. She allowed herself to be manipulated because she was driven by a STRONG EMOTIONAL RESPONSE TO REACT IMMEDIATELY.
We, as Christians, have more tools in our belt than others. We have EVERYTHING we need to navigate these crazy times. All we have to do is LOVE God, CONSULT (prayer) God, and TRUST God. Our success is found through submission to Christ. We have to rely on Jesus to “walk us through the valley of the shadow of death”. If God is our leader, we can “fear no evil, for he is with us”.
To understand why I wrote this article, watch the following:
Video obtained from the following article:
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