Are we allowed to question God?
God made us to have free will. We are able to think and make choices. In order to make choices, we must understand the options and the consequences of our available paths. In order to understand, we must seek knowledge. To seek knowledge, we must inquire (question) and then process the responses we receive and the observations we experience.
Think of the “Scientific Method”. While nothing that is in this world can be considered perfect, the Scientific Method is a really good man-made model to isolate, test, and prove or disprove a belief. We make a statement (hypothesis / belief), then set out to prove or disprove that statement. In the limited capacity of being human (we are not all knowing), we cannot accomplish this without questioning and testing our assumptions.
So, when we consider God with the end goal of a personal relationship with Him, my recommendation is that we follow a similar path of the Scientific Method. We see something that we don’t understand: God. We hypothesize as to its meaning: QUESTION. We setup a test based on our current knowledge: EXPERIMENT. We formulate and assert our assumptions: TEST. Then we analyze the results: CHOOSE to believe or not believe.
God gave us free will to accept or reject his Word. We have free will to adopt His ways into our lives, or to reject His commands. Without the ability to “taste” the fruit of the world and compare that to the “taste” of God’s infinite love and grace, how would we know the difference? Even when someone tells you that sugar tastes better than vinegar, until you have had the opportunity to compare the two (question their assertion), you cannot make an informed decision.
So, feel free to “question” God. Talk to The Holy Spirit. There is no question that you can ask Jesus that is a bad question as long as it is asked with a true heart with the intent to expand your own knowledge vs. trying to corner or trap The Lord. This IS what having a personal relationship with God means. Everything is on the table, without fear of embarrassment you can talk about ANYTHING and pose questions about those things that interest you and for which you are confused.
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